
Besplatna tehnička podrška za pravljenje vizira na 3D printerima

In reaction to the acute shortage of protective wear for medical personnel in the current pandemic situation, Prusa Printers have quickly developed and started to mass-produce protective face shields. PP have already printed and donated over 12.000 shields to medics and other professionals in the Czech Republic and we have requests for 90.000 more.

But the shortage is global and everyone with a 3D printer can help! 3D printing communities across the world became a massive driving force in the effort to produce protective wear for those, who need it the most.

This is why the design of the shields is fully open-source, anyone can produce it and/or modify it. Also, the shields are made from easily accessible and inexpensive materials. We would like to ask you to help us by spreading the word or even joining the collective endeavour – as a community, we can help thousands of people in need.

Reach out to institutions in your local area and ask them if they could use some additional protective wear (chances are they definitely could!). It’s not only about hospitals and other first responders like police officers and firemen, but also nursing homes, dentists, or just grocery store staff – simply put, you could offer your help to all those who now have to stay in the service or be in contact with many other people in the time of crisis.

DOWNLOAD DESIGN FILESDownload all the files required for production.

ASSEMBLY MANUALCheck out the assembly manual to learn more.

COMMUNITY FORUMHave a question? Join our community!

WATCH THE ASSEMBLY VIDEOSee the assembly video for detailed instructions.

STERILIZATION GUIDEStay safe! Learn how to sanitize the shields.

MORE ABOUT PROJECTLearn more about the project on our blog!

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