
BOLD Fellowship 2021

Who is Eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • Are a current university student or recent graduate between the ages of 18-25.
  • Are a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Reside in Bosnia and Herzegovina full-time.

How Can I Apply?

Easy. Click here to access the online application. Prospective candidates must complete the application in order to be considered. Please note that the application cannot be saved while in progress and we advise working separately on the two short essays (more details below) and then pasting the text when you are ready to submit the application.


When Is the Application Deadline? 

Complete the application by February 21, 2021

The Fellowship is for you if you…*

  • Have a business model, product, or idea that you believe could be the foundation for a sustainable enterprise or have a positive impact in your community.
  • Have an interest in entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership.
  • Believe in positive change by setting an example as leaders and role models in your community.
  • Want to be part of BOLD’s network and cooperate with counterparts across Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Are enrolled or completed a degree in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) or Business/Finance.

*You do not need to self-identify with all points

What Costs Does the Fellowship Cover?

  • International roundtrip airfare from BiH to the U.S.
  • On-the ground transportation in the United States as required to participate in program activities
  • U.S. Visa
  • International health insurance valid during the duration of the program in the U.S.
  • Lodging and meals
  • Activities, workshops, and event participation
  • Any food, activities, and purchases outside of what is provided above will be the responsibility of the Fellow.

Essay Questions

Each question is limited to 250 words

  • Tell us about yourself and how your personal experiences have influenced your educational and personal ambitions.
  • Do you have an idea for a business model or project (profit or non-profit) that you want to implement in your community to improve the economy? How do you expect this experience will affect your community? How will it affect you personally and benefit your career goals? If you do not have a specific idea, please think of a challenge in your community that you feel passionate about. What skills would you need to develop to address and potentially resolve this challenge?

How Are Fellows Selected?

  • The review committee will identify potential candidates and follow up for an in-person interview towards the end of February.
  • Final candidates will be informed of their selection towards the end of March.
  • The multi-step application process will ensure Fellows are selected based on a comprehensive and balanced assessment.

What Will Be Required if I Am Selected?

  • Fellows are required to be able to attend the entire section of the U.S. program; inability to commit to the full length of the program will result in your ineligibility.
  • Fellows are required to be able to participate in pre-trip and post-trip online meetings, activities, and short survey/questionnaire; inability to commit to the full length of the program will result in program ineligibility.

Contact Us 

For any questions, please email Filip Sasic at

This Program was funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.

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