
Na Unlimitedu ove godine YEP panel WHO RUN THE WORLD – GIRLS

Četvrti Sarajevo Unlimited održat će se od 22. do 24. oktobra na četiri lokacije u Sarajevu, a okupit će oko 4.000 učesnika iz BiH i drugih zemalja. Kako je kazala Lejla Mujkanović-Krka, menadžer projekta Sarajevo Unlimited, u Sarajevo u tom periodu planiraju dovesti deset gradonačenika gradova koji su razvili pametne gradove i poboljšali živote svojih građana, s obzirom na to da je to jedna od tema o kojoj će biti govora na Forumu

– Osim o pametnim gradovima (Smart City), na Forumu će biti govora i o upotrebi interneta, zaštiti i sigurnosti podataka, fintechu, digitalnoj transformaciji turističkih destinacija i brojnim drugim temama. Ove godine ćemo imati govornike iz velikih kompanija, a jedna od njih je i Amazon, kazala je Mujkanović-Krka.

Strateški partner Foruma je Vlada Kantona Sarajevo, a najavljujući ovaj događaj kantonalni premijer Edin Forto kazao je kako će se razvoj KS-a u narednih 20 godina zasnivati na uslugama koje se izvoze i na koje se baziraju mladi.

– Moramo raditi na tome da te mlade zadržavamo ovdje, da oni ovdje rade, ali da izvoze svoje znanje, svoje izume… Također, moramo stvarati tehnologiju i privlačiti ljude da dolaze i ulažu ovdje, poručio je Forto.

Projekat zapošljavanja mladih (YEP) će uz podršku Vlade Švicarske će u okviru panela WHO RUN THE WORLD – GIRLS predstaviti 5 preduzetnice koje su pokrenule biznise u okviru YEP inkubatora poslovnih ideja. Na taj način radimo na promociji ženskog preduzetništva, ali i potrebe koordinacije napora u podršci preduzetništvu. 


  Name Location Business venture Biography
  Naida Bajrić Lukavac Administrativno-pravni ured Bajrić


(Administrative and law office Bajrić)

Naida Bajrić is a lawyer and entrepreneur from Lukavac, born in 1991. After graduating from Faculty of law and obtaining a master's degree, Naida could not find a job, which is why she decided to start her own business. Administrative and law office Bajrić was founded 2 years ago. The office offers services of drafting all forms of legal acts, obtaining documentation, drafting requests, contracts, appeals, lawsuits, complaints, obtaining licenses, etc. Naida's motto is: Any business idea has its own way, dare to realize it!
  Una Dakić Banja Luka SP LU studio Banja Luka Una Dakić is a young entrepreneur from Banja Luka, creator of the brand “LEŽIBEG” and owner of LU studio, which produces and sells specific pieces of furniture, known as lazy bags. Leži beg is a product in three different variants, the most attractive of which is a multifunctional armchair with soft filling and high quality fabric. The entrepreneurial story of this architect began in the area of interior designing, when Una recognized the market need for a specific product or piece of furniture that could be a unique, comfortable part of both residential and commercial buildings and spaces. Una's and motto of LU studio is “Own your comfort”.
  Irma Terzić Sarajevo IMB Marketing agencija


(IMB Marketing agency)

Irma Terzić is entrepreneur from Sarajevo born in 1993. Irma is the owner of business IMB Marketing agency. She was employed when she decided to start her own business. In implementation of her business idea Irma involved her colleagues from the faculty who studied and/or had experience in the field of marketing. IMB Marketing offers creative solutions, preparation, design and printing of promo materials, design and sewing of uniforms as well as rental or sale of promo counters and banners. The agency's special service consists of IN/OUT store promotions that enable communication with clients on site.
  Irena Bibić Bijeljina ZKR Baby kutak Irena Bibić is an entrepreneur from Bijeljina and owner of ZKR Baby kutak. Irena is an example of how profitable business can be created out of hobby. Today, Baby kutak has 4 employees. In Baby kutak one can find baby cribs and linens, canopies, decorative pillows in many different shapes – candy, cloud, star as well as breastfeeding pillows. Products can be tailored to each customer's needs and wishes and become a unique lifelong memory. Irena's motto and message for future young entrepreneurs is Don't give up on your idea and dreams.


  Amila Dizdarević Tuzla Rent a car agencija City cars doo Tuzla


Reant a car agency City cars Tuzla

Amila Dizdarević is an entrepreneur from Tuzla and owner of rent a car agency City cars Tuzla. For many years Amila was employed in marketing department of one company, and realizing that she could use her knowledge and work experience much better, she decided to start her own business. She found the motivation and idea to start a business venture through a consultative process at the Tuzla Canton Employment Service. City cars agency offers to clients various types of services in the field of car rental and passenger transportation. Within the unique service list, there is a transfer service to the airport in Tuzla, and it is also possible to rent a car and a driver for transportation to desired destinations inside and outside BiH.

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