
UNDP – Oglas za poziciju asistenta za monitoring i evaluaciju

Monitoring and Evaluation Junior Assistant

Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Application Deadline: 12-Feb-15


Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) is among those countries with an “intermediate” Tuberculosis (TB) burden in the World Health Organization European Region, i.e. with high TB incidence. The TB burden in BIH has remained steady during the last few years. BIH has a fairly developed network of health infrastructure but that infrastructure requires upgrading. In 2009, the estimated incidence rate was 50 per 100 000 population and prevalence rate 62 per 100 000 population. The mortality rate was 1,9; multidrug-resistant rate was 0.4% in new TB cases, and 6.6% in relapse TB cases (Global TB control, 2009). The last anti-TB drug resistance survey, performed in 2000, has shown a prevalence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) of 0.1 % in newly TB diagnosed cases and 2.0% in those previously-treated. Treatment success in new smear positive cases was 97%, and in smear positive re-treatment cases 95% (Global TB control, 2009).
The strong political commitment to tuberculosis programme in B&H was internationally reaffirmed by the Ministers of Health from B&H at the “WHO European Ministerial Forum – All Against Tuberculosis”, held in Germany, October 2007. At the service delivery/operational level the commitment is reflected in strong political support to TB control efforts, such as for example those related to the implementation of the TB GFATM grant.
To a large extent, the project “Strengthening of DOTS Strategy and Improving National Tuberculosis Programme, Including Multidrug Resistant and Infection Control, in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, refers to and builds on the objectives set forth in Round 6 approved TB grant for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). It is conceived as a scaling-up and fortification of the existing DOTS-based National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP), and in support to systems’ orientation and focus towards ongoing primary health care/family medicine development and reform efforts in BIH.
The main goal of the project is to cost effectively reduce the burden of tuberculosis and to further consolidate and fortify National Tuberculosis Programme efforts aimed at sustainable reduction of the tuberculosis burden in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Implementation of this project will contribute in improvement of access and efficiency of respiratory health care services in Primary Health Care settings in BIH through implementation of Practical Approach to Lung Health (PAL) strategy (as a pilot project), strengthening and extending the DOTS+ pilot project of MDR-TB case management as well as ensuring and maintaining access to TB program for vulnerable groups with special attention to Roma and other vulnerable populations.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina is acting as a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) grant to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of “Strengthening of DOTS Strategy and Improving National Tuberculosis Programme, Including Multidrug Resistant and Infection Control, in Bosnia and Herzegovina ” project.
In the context of the TB project, the Monitoring and Evaluation Junior Assistant will provide support in implementation of TB project activities, assist in implementation of planned activities, data entering and checking, assist in coordination with governmental and non-governmental organization and assist in organization of events including provision of documentation and power point presentations with focus on TB Coordinators who are responsible for regular clinical activities related to Tuberculosis. Monitoring and Evaluation Junior Assistant will take part in relevant trainings and support project staff on M&E and identify priority areas of concern on the quality of M&E related data and inform the project implementation team. She/He will regularly document field visits performed incorporating challenges and lessons learnt important for Project implementation.
As this post is a UNV volunteer assignment, it is based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer while making important economic and social contributions. In particular, it contributes to creating social cohesion and capital, through helping to build trust and reciprocity among citizens.
Conditions of Service
A 7 and 1/2 (seven and a half) – month contract (initially); monthly volunteer living allowance (VLA) intended to cover housing, basic needs and utilities, equivalent to BAM 1,031.00; life, health, and permanent disability insurance; resettlement allowance for satisfactory service.

For more information, follow the following link.

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