
YEP Participates at Global Excercise – World Bank Youth Unemployment Online Session

In conjunction with the Joint Vienna Institute, The Jobs Gateway in South Eastern Europe (SEE) Community of Practice will livestream a session on Youth and Unemployment in the Western Balkans. The session is facilitated by World Bank economists, Johannes Koettl and Gallina Andronova Vincelett and will cover the role of macroeconomic policies, markets, incentives, and skills to gain an understanding on how to improve policies that better the labor market for young people. Following the session, The Jobs Gateway in SEE Community of Practice will host an online discussion to continue the dialogue on youth unemployment.

The Jobs Gateway in SEE Community of Practice is a community for academics, practitioners, experts and policy makers working to create more jobs with high development returns and that promote shared prosperity in SEE. On this platform experts and practitioners are sharing experiences and lessons learned, provide access to cutting-edge knowledge, and foster partnerships.

YEP got special invitation to participate discussion, and as of today the project became important part of global network to fight agains youth unemployment. You can join and participate this interesting discussion via link.

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