
External Expert for conducting impact assessment of IMPAKT Investment Foundation

IMPAKT Investment Foundation Terms of Reference for a Short-term Expertise

The IMPAKT Investment Foundation (IIF) has been founded in January 2019, with the aim to improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Foundation continues to pursue activities of entrepreneurship support launched by the SDC-funded Youth Employment Project (YEP). The Foundation’s work is governed by the principles of sustainability, partnership and transparency. In order to secure sustainability of the Foundation, this request for project extension focuses on the operationalisation of the Foundation’s activities under the existing YEP project. It consists of 2-year support for its activities, growth and development.

The overall goal of the IIF in the period April 2020 to April 2022 is support to development of employment opportunities for youth. The focus is now placed on collaboration with cities and municipalities and how to better support inclusion of young people into the labour market, with a particular focus on self-employment and entrepreneurship. Activities are focused on improvement of the entrepreneurship ecosystem and increase availability of sustainable expert and financial support to businesses in achieving their business and social objectives and targets.

The project aims to support better integration of young women and men into B&H’s labour market by creating sustainable changes through activities of the Impakt Investment Foundation (IIF).

The project intervention contains three key specific objectives:

  1. Improved cooperation of stakeholders on local level in the provision of entrepreneurial support.
  2. Developed innovative financial and expert support mechanisms for entrepreneurship.
  3. Increased capacity and visibility of the Impakt Investment Foundation.

Objective of the present mission

The objective of this action is to examine to which extent support to establishment of new businesses in certain local community had a positive impact on local economic development, revenues in government budgets and other positive aspects. The aim of the research is to provide empirical evidence about the results and outcomes of the entrepreneurship development support on the targeted populations, local communities and other levels (cantonal, entity and state), as well as inputs on how these measures should be (re)designed to achieve better results.

In addition to the main research question on effects, outcomes and results of support to establishment of new businesses, a selected candidate should:

  • Design a methodology for estimation of new enterprises impact on local economic development, revenues in government budgets (local, cantonal, entity and state level) and other positive impact that businesses create in their respective communities.
  • Implement a primary research on adequate sample of businesses and local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that participated in IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator in the period 2020-2022.
  • Draft a report/analysis to present results of the research and include recommendations for improvement of IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator.

Expected results

Key results of the mission are:

  • Designed methodology for estimation of new enterprises impact on local economic development, revenues in government budgets and other positive impact that businesses create in their respective communities, presented to IIF team and approved.
  • Primary research on adequate sample of businesses and local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that participated in IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator.
  • Analysis to present results as well as recommendations for improvement of IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator.

Expected deliverables

At the end of the assignment expert will deliver the following documents:

  • Methodology for estimation of new enterprises impact on local economic development, revenues in government budgets and other positive impact that businesses create in their respective communities, with appendices (questionnaires etc.).
  • Analysis with presented results as well as recommendations for further improvement of IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator.

Profile of the expert needed

The expert will have:

  • Previous experience in working within business/entrepreneurship sector (minimum 5 years);
  • At least 5  years of proven experience in scientific social research;
  • Proven experience in efficiency analysis of entrepreneurship development programs;
  • Excellent ability to analyse and synthesize vast amounts of information;
  • Strong writing and analytical skills;
  • Excellent communications skills;
  • Good report-writing skills;
  • English language skills are essential.

Interested applicants can send their CV and proof of experience to latest by 10th March 2022.

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