
Entrepreneur Amira Zelenterović – Salon Amira GAGA City of Mostar

‘Effort and work pay off.

There is nothing to be afraid of success.’

Fashion design inspired by you and brought into reality by ‘Amira Gaga’ tailor’s boutique

The owner of the tailor’s boutique named ‘Amira Gaga’ is Amira Zelentrović, who started selling clothes seven years ago, wanting to make a living on her own rather  than working for somebody else.  In the beginning she would only resell clothes. However, realizing that customers are often dissatisfied in the length or width of clothes, she offered to make corrections and thus extended her services – besides being a boutique, her shop also became a tailor’s shop.

Amira applied for YEP Incubator as she wanted to make use of all advantages of the programme, which in the end helped her to expand her business. According to her, the training helped her create her own business plan containing all important details. She invested in new materials necessary for the forthcoming period.

Her life and business have assured her that every effort is worth investing and that success is not something to be afraid of.  She started from scratch; she would resell clothes in the town and search for customers often walking the whole day. This gave her the idea to open a tailor’s boutique to offer finished products and all kinds of corrections but also tailor-made clothes.

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