
Entrepreneur Naida Bajrić -Administration and Legal Affairs Office ‘Bajrić’ Lukavac municipality

‘If you have some ideas, you should know that each of them has its own path to accomplishment. I believe that those who don’t give up and keep to their dreams can always make a success.’

A solution to all administrative and legal issues

Ms Naida Bajrić (27) holds Master’s degree in law and has started up her own business – Administration and Legal Office ‘Bajrić and, as she likes to point out, offers a solution to all your problems. The office also deals with administrative issues such as obtaining a planning permission, which is rather complex process that should be left to a professional to deal with because it takes a lot of time to citizens to search for information and obtain the necessary documents. After the university, this young lawyer volunteered in Lukavac free of charge but it was important to her to gain experience.

‘After a year, I asked myself ‘what should I do’? Sitting at home wasn’t an option. I applied for several jobs but without results. I felt disappointed and realized the system was not as it should be. Jobs were given mostly to those with connections, Naida explains.

She was supported by the Youth Employment Programme to establish the office, but she needed assistance from her older colleagues. Naida’s plan is to turn the small administration and legal affairs office into a barrister’s office one day. ‘The judicial state examination is the first item on to-do list, then the bar examination and I hope one day this will become a barrister’s office, Naida says with contentment.

Young as she is, Naida’s message to all graduates is to be brave:

‘If you have some ideas, know that each of them has its own path to accomplishment. I believe that those who don’t give up and keep to your dreams can always make a success.’ Everybody has their own luck and this is what no one can take away from you. When you have an idea, don’t worry too much and don’t search any more, come to the Administration and Legal Affairs Office ‘Bajrić’, I will have your company registered for you and do all the necessary paperwork’, Naida says with a smile and optimism.

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