
Entrepreneur Una Dakić – Leži Beg City of Banja Luka

Interior design using unique lazy bags

‘Leži Beg’ is a brand from Banja Luka involved in production and sale of specific items of furniture well-known under the name ‘lazy bag’. The brand creator is Ms Una Dakić, one of two people standing behind the ‘LU Architects’ team. In the last four years of working in interior design, Una realized there is the need for lazy bags, especially when it comes to young people, married couples and companies with a modern perspective of the design of workplace environment.

Una was delaying putting the idea into practice as she would always have some other obligations but when she learnt about the YEP Incubator, she decided to apply. What helped a lot within the programme were business education, business plan development and market analysis. Before the training, Una had a very superficial knowledge of business economics and entrepreneurship. She now believes this kind of education should be mandatory in schools. The financial support meant a lot to her and her team but they point out the educational part was much more important as it improved the idea they are certain to be a great success. As for the plans for the future, they mostly are related to expanding the assortment of products. Talking about entrepreneurship in general, Una recommends to all young people that, if they have a business idea, they should not be afraid of putting it into practice. The general advice is not to give up easily and to explore all possibilities of getting a support. According to her knowledge and experience, there are a lot of favourable opportunities in the form of programmes intended for young entrepreneurs providing funding, mentorship etc. like YEP Business Idea Incubator. #ownyourcomfort

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