Today we continued with the realization of training which was consistent with the recommended measures and situation with a pandemic of COVID-19.
In Bosanska Krupa training is at its last phase so the participants already deal with human resource management and finances. Aim of this module was to familiarize the participants with the specificity of financing the entrepreneurs, possibilities of financing entrepreneurial venture, choice of the best way to finance and financial needs. Needs of human resources are also being defined, there is talk about different ways of employing workers and their engagement, business – law relations, all of these are important parts of leading independent business.
Also, training in Ugljevik is focused on marketing and sale, some of the most interesting subjects for participants. Marketing helps entrepreneurs in the very beginning of a business when it comes to the distribution of a product or service to a client. In this regard, different marketing instruments are being used, like marketing research and sale. All of these instruments are part of a marketing plan, which is a part of a business plan.