
Today, potential entrepreneurs in Bosanska Krupa, are improving the knowledge in the marketing field and sale

The job is worth as much as the man who does it – the participants of the YEP incubator of business ideas in Bosanska Krupa,  today learn about sales and marketing tricks, distribution channels, marketing, making a sponsored post on Facebook and much more.

At the end of the program, concrete results will be achieved. Participants will also enjoy the socializing and positive atmosphere that we strive to keep up at each training session. At the end of this month, entrepreneurial training will be finished, and participants will be ready for presenting their ideas. After that, an evaluation team (committee) will decide which business plans will receive financial support.

 “New normal” which implies compliance with the recommendations and guidelines of crisis headquarters is becoming something normal and ordinary. Participants adapt very quickly to new circumstances, and while they are maintaining physical distance and wearing a mask, they still meet an interactive approach and networking, which is very important for entrepreneurs. The training is very intensive and includes participation in 6 modules of training, and activities between each module, supported by trainers. In the end, a result of the training will be a well-developed business plan.

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